At a B-day party |
Just came back from my routine check up.
Was just suppose to be a simple 2mths routine check up.
Ended up doing a CT scan because found some dark spots on my lungs.
Apparently my operated bronchial was slightly infected due to my chronic cough.
Seems like I need to talk less & cough less too. Need to give time for the bronchial & lungs to rest.
In fact, its exactly what my chinese doctor told me too. "You need to talk less. Must give time for your trachea & lungs to recover. So, keep quiet & move less."
Well, keeping still is just not my nature... but I will still try to take the advise.
Guess what!! I have met Aida today. She was at SDMC with her fiance, Azmir for her check up.
She looks good, cheerful & full of energy. They are gearing up for their marriage on 16th September.
Overall, it was such a BIG relieved. I'm healthy since my last chemo on 10th May.
All my workouts, strict diet, ample sleeping hours & change of attitude paid off.
Of course I need to continue on what I'm doing now. Afterall, its going to be a lifetime routine just to stay healthy.
I have started my qiqong about 3 wks back. My parents got to know this man whom was in advanced 4th stage for colon cancer. His liver was infected as well. He had a heart bypass earlier which made the condition complicated. Given the odds, he was not given any treatment due to his serious condition.
That was 5years 2mths back last I spoke to him about a mth back.
When I saw this man, his face projects a healthy bright complexion. His cheerful attitude & positive body movement was like a beacon of hope to any cancer patient and survivor. He shared his experience on various treatments & doctors which he had seen . He had tried all types of qiqong & apparently he found a type of qiqong practice which suits his condition & with good time length.
Its called Shaolin Qiqong Yat Chi Sin.(in cantonese)
This qiqong practice will last approximately 1hr 15mins. Its shorter compare to many other types of qiqong.
It involves the movement of the body, the breathing exercise & concentration in feeling the chi flowing in your body. During practice, one must relax himself/herself & have a clear mind while running the qiqong exercises.
One just need to follow the music & instructions during the practice. Its pretty simple once you learn all the moves. Just follow the seniors during the routine but make sure what we are doing is correct as well.
For this small group which I had joined, there is a "C-heng" (senior) whom helps us on the movements. His teachings are very easy to understand & he will explain the movements & the breathing step by step. He will run through the steps again & again until we understand. This is really helpful for anyone whom is new to qiqong.
We practice qiqong at Taman Kinrara 2, at the Rukun Tetangga which is well lit, spacious & many parking space. Its just opposite Tadika Ria which is shaped like a castle.
This type of qiqong is just right, fit into my schedule & has more movement to keep me awake.
Was so tired & it took me a while to recover. Even weekdays are pack with qiqong exercises & teaching my son Bahasa Malaysia in preparation for his semester exam.
Now, lets go back to our topic.
I found a great site which explains qiqong in laymen term.
"Chi Gong is similar to T'ai Chi in that it is a general term for movements or meditations invented by the Chinese that help to strengthen and regulate the internal energy, or "chi", that the Chinese believe is the basis of health. By performing these seemingly simple movements or meditations the Chinese believe that you can maintain and recover your health. So Chi Gong is really the Chinese way of staying healthy, and everyday early in the morning they meet by the millions in parks across China to practice this basic, but powerful, self health technique." - extracted from
These days, there are so many types of qiqong in China.
There is this famous qiqong group called Guolin Qiqong. Its has been actively practicing & promoting qiqong all around the world. It was invented by the renowned qiqong master, as well as painter Mrs Guo Lin from China, a cancer patient with relapse history as well. After practicing her modified form of qiqong, her cancer had abated.
In China, there were many studies on qiqong & its effectiveness to fight cancer. Most of the time, its considered as a supplement to the current cancer therapy. In laymen term, qiqong is an exercise of movements & breathing. The position of the body will help to regulate the oxygen from the controlled breathing to all over the body.
When we meditate during the qiqong exercise, we increase our absorption of oxygen. There must be no distractions, depressing thoughts or worries. Our mind & body must relax, which is the key to balancing the circulation of the Qi & blood. In addition, a sense of happiness is a mojor wellspring of increased confidence & strong fighting spirit.
There are many articles on Qiqong & its benefit to our health from the website.
We need to have an objective & motivation to practice qiqong.
I'm practicing qiqong because I want to be healthy and wish not to have another dreadful cancer experience.
I do not want to go through the mental & physical pain anymore, nor to share it with my family & friends.
One thing which always haunts a cancer survivor cancer is the recurrence of cancer.
We will always hear that this person has a relapse or that person's cancer has strike again.
Sometimes, we hear them pulling through but sometimes we share the solemn sadness of seeing the end of the road for a cancer survivor.
Sometimes I just wonder, if the qiqong exercises was so effective against cancer, why hasn't it taken centre stage?? Is it because of the drug companies putting a stop to it just because of monetary interest? Or is it because of our human nature.... practicing it halfway & eventually fall out? Short of determination?
Whatever it is, its always worthwhile to try it out. Its free, easy to practice & there are many testimonials on its curing properties.
I'm doing it now. I do hope to give my own testimonial one day.
Qiqong is definately an addition to my current acupuncture & chinese herbs strengthening process.
DON'T loose HOPE. Lets FIGHT together. We will NOT LOOSE.
nick. I just know that you have C. Your blog is very informative. I learn a lot from it. You are a few of C patient who really post everything on this topic. You have been a very positive person since I know you from those cochrane time. You always smile and been very cheerful. I am sure everything will be ok. Hope you recover fast. Chun kiat
ReplyDeleteI'm an ex-student of nezu sensei's.
ReplyDeleteReading this blog has really given me a whole new perspective in life. to not always focus on the negative aspect of things.
I'll be praying for a smooth and speedy recovery.
Take care! My best wishes!
Hello Chun Kiat~!
ReplyDeleteNice to hear from you again.
Yeah, happened so fast, but I finished the ops & therapies pretty fast too. Totally changed my perspective about life.
Started working 1 mth after I had finished my last chemo. So its like 2mths already. Taking it easy now.
Let me know what other topics that I should feed into the blog.
BTW, rmbr to register into the Cochraneans alumni. Its running in the web now.
Cheers & hope to see you during the annual CNY dinner. Cheers : )
Hi Chan,
ReplyDeleteThanx for the well wishes.
Yeah, look onto the other side of the coin everytime you face a problem. You will see new things & have a better solution to it everytime.
Nezu sensei sent her regards to you as well.
Cheers : )
Hello Nick,
ReplyDeleteI am an ex-student of Nezu sensei and I got to know of your blog from Facebook.
I don`t know if you have heard of `The Secret` before. It is a book about the Law Of Attraction that has also been turned into a movie. It is all about the power of positive thinking manifesting into real life.
I just had to tell you about it so here I am :D
Here`s a link to the movie...
I wish you all the best!
P/s: Nezu sensei is one of my most awesome Japanese teacher ever :D
NIck ..
ReplyDeleteI am sure u can make it . we are always here for u .
cecilia and family
I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
ReplyDeleteliver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
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became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.