Reached the hospital very early. Center wasn't open yet. |
The word chemotherapy sounds BAD & PAINFUL.
It means tying a bandanna on the head, the feeling of fatigue & leaving scars on the body.
Cancer Day Ward |
Putting in the IV Line |
Its only the side effects which kicks in thereafter..... making a person so weak & spiritually low that as a cancer patient, we just hope all will end in a single snap.
Did you know that the process is just intravenous (hereafter referred to as 'IV') drips into the body via the hand?
Taking blood samples |
IV line |
That's all.
Infusion Bags |
Thereafter its just mixtures of sodium chloride & medication on the hanging infusion bags of water.
I used to be so scared of syringes & blood... but now, its such a small thing. Courage gets bigger once you been poked around the body for so many times & went under the scalpel.
Tomotherapy |
You can refer to the below link to know more about the radiotherapy process.
The patient was so brave & went through quite a number of cycles to overcome the odds.
She took the signature "Tomotherapy" which was a very up to date machine.
Children's ward |
Upon arrival at the Oncology Clinic Center in the early morning, I will choose my preferred bed.
I prefer this bed for its privacy and closeness to the children's cancer ward.
Everytime Mimiko hears the children crying, she will cry too.
It is so heart wrecking to hear them scream & cry out " I dont want- ! I dont want-!"
People tell me I'm brave, but in reality these kids are even braver & deep in myself, I really wished that these kids do not suffer what the adults suffer.
Its so painful to see them with IV on their hands & hearing them vomiting...
Their parents are so strong & I salute them for their persistent loving care & iron braveness to see their child grow up normally.
Most of them are leukemia & brain cancer patients.
I really hope to do something for these kids... like when we see these children cries for help in the newspaper. They request for funds for their operation & therapy in order to ease the pain & lead a less painful life.
I have asked one of the nurse pertaining to the medication cost of a leukemia stricken child... it could well be in the region of $300,000 - $400,000 !!!
Half is for the chemotherapy/radiotherapy & the other half is for the bone marrow transplant.
Checking my BP |
Flushing the vein |
While waiting for the blood report, the nurses will start to inject the below medication.
These are to control nausea, vomiting, gastric & allergy while the chemo meds feeds into the body.
Controloc, Piriton & Kytril |
Controloc - Prevent gastric
Piriton - Prevent Allergy
Kytril - Prevent nausea & vomiting
Once done & with the blood report cleared, the nurses will get the chemotherapy drugs ready.
They will perform a double confirmation by 2 nurses that the drug used are correct.
For my case, I'm taking the below drugs to kill the cancer cells( as well as the good cells. That's why the red, white & hemoglobin dive into low levels everytime after the chemotherapy).
Taxotere |
Taxotere (extracted from the bark of thee yew tree)
Carboplatin (platinum based compound).
Taxotere is normally used for treatment in breast, ovarian & non-small cell lung cancer.
For my case, I was given a dosage of 120mg.
The response rate is rated as per below.
60% - Medium response. Tumor has gone smaller after chemotherapy
30% - Good response. Tumor is clearly smaller after chemotherapy
10% - Very good response. Tumor is not present after chemotherapy
Carboplatin |
Its acts to kill or to slow down the cancer cells in the body.
I was given a dosage of 500mg.
The side effects of these 2 agents are
- loss of hair - [I actually love being bald now. Wanted to keep the head shiny]
- loss of appetite/weight - [ This is bad... every food that you think.. you would want to vomit]
- stomach pain (lots or air) - [Just like an old car with bad exhaust... spitting all the air out & disgusting too]
- diarrhea / constipation - [it does feel good after a good "let out"]
Burst of pimples on my shoulder |
- changes in taste - [ EVERYTHING tasted like metal. I hated this as well]
- changes in vision
- numbness / redness in fingertips
- mouth blister / ulcer
- fatigue - [gosh... so tired & cant think at all]
- cold - [especially the feet & after a sweaty head]
- reddish urine - [it sticks too & has a burning sensation]
- shortness of breath / wheezing- black/tarry stools - [& its pretty smelly]
- heaty - [thats where all the pimples pops out on the whole body]
- drastic drop of white cells , red cells & hemoglobin
- waist (side) & back pain [you will feel fragile & old.... all actions slow]
* (I have experience the symptoms highlighted BLUE).
At this stage, I strongly encourage acupuncture as it helps to ease the side effects & strengthen our body as well.
At this stage, I strongly encourage acupuncture as it helps to ease the side effects & strengthen our body as well.
It really takes a lot of encouragement & very strong will power to get over the side effects.
My special tribute to those patients whom suffer these side effects as well.
Especially for those recurrence cases. Tons of will power & courage to face it again)Terumo Infusion Regulator |
So, I will normally sit on the bed, read news paper or books, play with my phone, talk to the nurses & take short naps.
Well, its better than to walk around & see the other patients... most of them have a gloomy look.
Honestly, psychologically not that encouraging.
Blood Reversing |
That means 2 hours gone. In between after each infusion, it will be flushed with 30mins of sodium chloride water. That's another hour gone.
Another 30 mins is for the for drugs to suppress the allergy, vomiting, nausea & gastric.Taking the IV out |
All in will be 4 - 5 hours.
Kelly the councilor always tell me I'm full of strength |
Many times, the nurses & the hospital personnel told me that I'm always smiling & cheerful.
I look spiritually & physically strong.
Whenever I hear it, I feel very happy.
The urge to share this feeling with the other patients comes rushing into my head.
This is one of the factors which drives me to move on.
Nurses at the Cancer Daycare ward |
But all of these doesn't come without hard work.
1. I sleep early around 10pm.
2. I try to walk everyday for around 3km in the morning.
3. I watch my diet... eating nutritiously & avoid many types of food.
4. I renew my urge to live everyday by flashing back what I have now &
living it happily & thankfully.
living it happily & thankfully.
5. I encourage other cancer patients whenever I talk to them.
6 I take my herbs & attend my acupuncture regularly.
7. I take my mind off from work & stress till I'm better.
8. I never stop loving & being loved by my family & friends. 9. I plan what I want to do & enjoy every aspect of it.
Of course once in a while we do tend to run astray with our objectives...
1. I did eat very little of McD, roast pork, a bit of hawker food... which I'm totally off limits to it.
2. I took a bit of ice cream & soft drinks
3. I did sleep late(around 11pm) once in a while watching WWE on the TV.
4. I missed the acupuncture appointments by a few days in fear of the needles.
5. It was too hot outside & I missed my morning walk.
(I have walked around 65km in 3 mths time)
6. I got impatient & venged my anger on Mimiko & my mother.
7. I do get very negative & selfish. At times I just want to let God decide my fate... just
stop fighting because I am very tired. BUT what will happen to my family whom ran every
mile with me?
As long as we know that is the bottleneck to our own self recovery, we shouldn't indulge ourselves into it constantly. Try to stay away from it.
Know what is best for your family & yourself (take note self comes in second in priority)
I found this at one of the Sunway Pyramid restroom. |
Lastly, I wanted to thank Mimiko for constantly being beside me & my mum, Doris How for constantly taking care of my diet. These 2 ladies are one of my source to a NEW me.
Not forgetting all my family members & friends whom cheered for me during my journey to full recovery.
Thank you very much.
My special tribute to all other cancer patients.
My special tribute to all other cancer patients.